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Council Members

Piotr Krzywiec

Krzywiec holds an M.S. in geology and an M.S. and Ph.D. in exploration geophysics. He studied at the Jagiellonian University and the AGH University of Science and Technology

Stephen Kershaw

zoology, and a Ph.D. in palaeontology. He studied at the Manchester University and the Cardiff University

Xiumian Hu

professor of sedimentology in Nanjing University. He received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2015 by the National Natural Science Foundation in China.

Youbin He

professor at School of Geosciences of Yangtze University. In 1986, he received a bachelor's degree from Jianghan Petroleum Institute. In 1989 and 1992

Xiuqi Fang

professor of Bejing Normal University. He graduated from Bejing Normal University and received his bachelor degree in Physical Geography in 1984

Jitao Chen

received his Ph.D. from Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea in 2011 and afterwards he worked as a postdoctoral at SNU and University of California, Davis until the end of 2017.