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Stephen Kershaw

Source:胡琳Updated:Oct 16,202319

Stephen Kershaw holds an B.S. in geology and zoology, and a Ph.D. in palaeontology. He studied at the Manchester University and the Cardiff University, both in UK. Having get the Ph.D., Stephen Kershaw joined the Brunel University London, UK and holds the position of senior lecturer for teaching BSc and MSc, and supervising M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees until now. He is the visiting professor in the Geology Dept. of Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris and did lectures within which he visited institutes and universities in Europe and China. The research interests of Stephen Kershaw concentrate on three distinct themes: microbialites, stromatoporoids and Quaternary. He did key discovery of Permian-Triassic mass extinction microbialites in China which triggered a research upsurge continuing today since 1999. Microbialite work also led to his co-lead in International Geoscience Programme UNESCO-funded project IGCP572, and was named in EU-funded Eclipse II project, led from Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris. Stephen Kershaw is the specialist revising stromatoporoids for the prestigious international Treatise on Paleontology and the coordinator of stromatoporoids research for IGCP591 and IGCP596. he is also a member of EU IRSES project CLIMSEAS for modern climate change, and led to collaboration and projects in Europe and Russia, as well as published high quality papers on Quaternary shorelines. Stephen Kershaw has authored or co-authored more than 200 papers, book chapters and conference abstracts published in abroad. He is on editorial boards of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; Facies; Jounal of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Seria Geologia, and Journal of Palaeogeography. He is a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists, British Sedimentological Research Group.