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Hongwei Kuang

Source:胡琳Updated:Oct 16,202317

Hongwei Kuang is a professor of Institute of Geology, Chinese Academic Geological Sciences. In 1992 and 1998, she received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in Petroleum Geology of Jianghan Petroleum of Institute (i.e. Yangtze University nowadays). In 2003, she graduated from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) with a doctorate degree in Mineralogy, petrology and ore deposit science.

 Prof. Kuang serves as an associate editor of Journal of Paleaogeography (Chinese Edition) and the member of academic Committee of the Journal of Paleaogeography (English Edition).

Prof. Kuang is mainly engaged in scientific research of sedimentary geology and oil exploration geology, Dinosaur taphonomy, Precambrian stratigraphy and event sedimentology in Mid-Neoproterozoic including Molar tooth carbonates, Stromotolite, red and black beds, Cap carbonate, diamictites and glaciations. Prof. Kuang has published more than 200 academic papers in journals such as Geology, Precambrian Research, Science China Earth Sciences, Sedimentology, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (3P), and so on. He has co-authored 4 monographs. In recent years, She has won the second excellent scientific and technological paper of China Association for Science and Technology, Frontrunner 5000 (F5000) - Top academic papers in China's top science and technology journals, and honored the second female Geological Scientist Award awarded by the Geological Society of China.