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Xiuqi Fang

Source:胡琳Updated:Oct 16,202322

Xiuqi Fang is a professor of Bejing Normal University. He graduated from Bejing Normal University and received his bachelor degree in Physical Geography in 1984, master degree in Palaeogeography in 1987, and doctorate degree in Physical Geography in 1994. He has worked in the Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University since 1987. He was a visiting scholar at Climatic Impacts Center of Maquarie University, Australia in 1994.

Prof. Fang is a Physical Geographer whose research focused on Holocene and historical climate change, impacts of past climate change, and Anthropic land cover changes. He teaches courses of Global change, Environment Change of China, Climate Change and civilization in relation to Palaeogeography at Beijing Normal University. Prof. Fang has published more than 300 academic papers in journals such as the Holocene, Quaternary Research, Anthropocene, and Science China Earth Sciences. He has co-authored textbooks Global Change and Physical Geography of China and more than 10 monographs including Palaeogeography of Chin: Formation of Physical Geography of China and Social Iimpacts of Climate Change in China over the past 2000 Years.

Prof. Fang is the vice director of the committee on Disaster history, China Association for Disaster Prevention (since 2014), and vice director of the committee on Historical Climate Change, Chinese Association for Quaternary Research(CHIQUA, 2021-2024). He has won 3 times of science and technology awards from the Ministry of Education of China, and 2 times of teaching achievement awards from Beijing Municipality.