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Yuan Wang

Source:胡琳Updated:Oct 16,202310

Yuan Wang holds an M.S. in Mineral Prospecting and Exploration and a B.S. in Reservoir Engineering. She studied at the Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu and China University of Petroleum (Beijing), having a three-years’ work experience at Sinopec Northwest China Petroleum Bureau, where she holds the position of technical responsibility. She worked at the Editorial Office of Journal of Palaeogeography (Chinese Editon) during 2002-2012 where she holds the position of both scientific editor and an English editor. Yuan Wang joined the Editorial Office of Journal of Palaeogeography (English Edition) as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Editorial Office responsible for routine journal managing work since the launching of the Journal and becomes the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Editorial Committee since 2019. She joins most preparation work of the International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP) and attended the First Founding Conference and Council Member Meeting in 2022. Her main research interests include seismic sedimentology based on combination of geological and seismic data, basin analysis, application of geophysical methods in exploration for prediction of hydrocarbons. Her publications involve in sedimentology, basin analysis etc.

Society work

Founding Member of the ISP

Member of the International Exchange and Cooperation Committee, Chinese Society for Science and Technology Journal Editors

Council Member of the Branch of the Science and Technology Journals, Beijing Association for Higher Education