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Jian Wang

Source:胡琳Updated:Oct 16,202310

Jian Wang holds a B.S. in Resource Prospecting Engineering and a Ph.D. in Geology from China University of Petroleum (East China) in 2007 and 2013, respectively. He studied as a visiting PhD student in the National University of Ireland Galway during 2011-2012. He has been working at the China University of Petroleum (East China) ever since receiving his doctoral degree, and has gone through postdoctoral, lecturer, associate professor, and professor positions. Now he is a professor and doctoral supervisor in Geology and a deputy dean of the School of Geosciences.  

His main research interests include sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, source to sink, fluid-rock interaction, deep clastic and carbonate reservoir origin, and reconstruction of Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment. Jian Wang has authored or co-authored more than 80 papers, book chapters and conference abstracts published in China and abroad. He has won two first prizes for scientific and technological progress in Shandong Province, one first prize for scientific and technological progress in the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, and the Qingdao Youth Science and Technology Award. He is a director of Shandong provincial university characteristic laboratory and director of the engineering technology innovation center branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources. He is an editorial board member of the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, the Journal of Paleogeography, and the Journal of China University of Petroleum (Natural Science Edition).