The 2nd Council Meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography held Successfully国际古地理学会理事会成功召开

The Second Council Meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography was held at 4:00 p.m. on September 23, 2023(Beijing time) at the International Exchange Center of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) offline and online, and more than thirty council members of the Society from all over the world attended the meeting, which was hosted by Prof. Shenghe Wu, President of ISP, from China University of Petroleum (Beijing).
Firstly, the proposal to co-opt the Vice President and Vice Secretary General of ISP having been discussed in the meeting. In order to promote the rapid progress and to improve the professional structure of the existing management team of the Society, Prof. Zhongqiang Chen(Australia) from China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) and Prof. Xiumian Hu from Nanjing University were selected as the Vice-Presidents of ISP with proposal of Prof. Shenghe Wu and results of being voted by the Council. Afterwards, Prof. Carlos Zavala from Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina); Dr. Matthias Alberti, Director from the Museum of Geology and Minerals of the University of Kiel (Germany); Prof. Longyi Shao from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing); Dr. Yuan Wang, Executive Associate Editor of the Journal of Paleogeography(English Edition), Dr. Xiujuan Zheng, Executive Associate Editor of the Journal of Paleogeography (Chinese Edition) were selected as Deputy Secretary General, after being nominated by Prof. Benzhong Xian, Secretary General of ISP, and voted by the Council, composing of three Chinese, one German and one Argentine. The five Deputy Secretary General will fully serve the Society in scientific research, journal building, academic exchanges, popularization of science, international exchanges, etc., which will help to promote the development of the Society in Europe, America, Asia and other regions.
The regulation of the Council of International Society of Palaeogeography was adopt by voting of Council members during the meeting, which clarified the nature and rights of the Council, the necessary conditions and the manner of generating members, as well as the powers of the President of the Council and the Secretary General, and further standardized the workflow of the Council of ISP, so as to facilitate the Council's development orderly in the long term.
Finally, the members of the meeting discussed and considered the proposal for establishment of professional committees of ISP. Professor Hai Ruo Qing from the University of Regina, Canada; Dr. Matthias Alberti from the University of Kiel, Germany and Professor Jitao Chen from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had a lively discussion on the proposal.
Fig.1 Council members on site participated in discussion and voting
Fig.2 Council members in China and abroad participated in discussion and voting via Tencent Plantform
Table 1 List of newly elected Vice President of the Council of ISP
Table 2 List of newly elected Vice Secretary General of ISP
会议首先讨论了增选国际古地理学会副理事长和副秘书长的提案。为了促进学会的快速发展,完善现有学会管理团队的专业结构,经学会理事长吴胜和教授提议并经第二届理事会投票表决,增选中国地质大学(武汉)陈中强教授(澳大利亚)、南京大学胡修棉教授为学会副理事长。由学会秘书长鲜本忠教授提名并经理事会投票表决,选举阿根廷国立南方大学Carlos Zavala教授、德国基尔大学地质与矿物博物馆长Matthias Alberti博士、中国矿业大学(北京)邵龙义教授、《古地理学报(英文版)》常务副主编王媛博士、《古地理学报(中文版)》常务副主编郑秀娟博士为学会副秘书长。五位副秘书长中,3位来自中国,1位来自德国,1位来自阿根廷。五位副秘书长的履职将全面服务于学会在科学研究、期刊建设、学术交流、科学普及、国际交流等方面的工作任务,有助于更好地服务于欧洲、美洲、亚洲等地区的学会发展。
最后,与会理事讨论并审议了国际古地理学会专业委员会设立方案。来自加拿大里贾纳大学的卿海若教授、德国基尔大学的Matthias Alberti博士及来自中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所的陈吉涛教授等多位理事就专业委员会的设立方案进行热烈讨论。
图1 线下理事通过视频会议方式参与理事会讨论和表决
图2 海内外学会理事通过视频会议方式参与理事会讨论和表决
附表1 新增选国际古地理学会副理事长名单
附表2 新选举产生的国际古地理学会副秘书长名单