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Preview of the 10th Palaeogeography Academic Forum

Source:胡琳Updated:May 27,202349

Activity time: June 2 2023 20:00—22:00

Tencent No. 914 165 948

Host: Prof. Kuang Hongwei, The Institute of Geology in Chinese Academy of Geological Science

The Research Interests: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Shi Zhiqiang, Chengdu University of Technology

The Research Interests: Event Sedimentology, Oil and Gas Geology

Title of Report: Progress in the Study of the Late Triassic Carnian Flooding event study in China

Keywords: Carnian flood event; A humid climate; Crisis in carbonate production; Late Triassic

Abstract: Some researchers believe that the Carnian Flood Event (CPE) is the most atractive climate change event of the Triassic, characterized by an increase in episodic rainfall probably globally. This event has triggered a crisis in carbonate production in the Tethys domain, increased input of terrigenous debris, global negative carbon isotope bias, partial extinction of marine organisms, and restructuring of terrestrial ecosystems, among other geological effects. Currently, research on this geological event is in the ascendant, and there is still controversy over its genesis. In recent years, research has shown that this event has preserved good geological records in marine and terrestrial sediments such as the Sichuan Basin, Nanpanjiang Basin, Jiyuan Basin, and Ordos Basin in China, which can provide a new perspective for CPE research and is worth paying attention to.
