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Tadeusz Peryt

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 18,202318

Prof. Tadeusz Peryt is Polish. He is a professor in Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute. He received his master degree in 1972, PhD in 1976 and DSc in 1987. He used to be a petrographer at the Geological Bureau GEONAFTA (Warsaw) from 1972-1974 and a senior assistant at the Polish Geological Institute (Warsaw) from 1974-1976. After he got his PhD, he worked in Polish Geological Institute as an adjunct, assistant professor and full professor until now. In 2001 and from 2005-2008, he was the director of the Polish Geological Institute.

Prof. Peryt has wide experience in sedimentology (carbonates and evaporites), stratigraphy and palaeogeography (Upper Palaeozoic - Neogene), mineral deposits and petroleum geology. His investigation includes various parts of Europe, USA, China, and Brazil. He is the member of several professional societies, including Polish Geological Society (President since 2021), International Association of Sedimentologists (National Correspondent 1986-1994, Council Member 1994-1998), SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Geological Society of America, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG and Association of European Geological Societies (council member since 1999). He used to be the Editor-in-chief of Przegląd Geologiczny [Geological Review], the most popular Polish geological journal (1991-2001), and is (since 2012) the Editor-in-Chief of Geological Quarterly (JCI Quartile 2) and the member of editorial boards of 10 journals including Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (since 1991), Geologia i geokhimia goryuchikh kopalyn (since 1998), Geologica Carpathica (since 2002) and Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (since 2005). He has published over 300 original scientific papers with a total citation of 2000 times and an h-index of 27, and edited or co-edited 7 books.