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Daidu Fan

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 18,202316

Daidu Fan is a full Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University. He was honorably appointed as distinguished professor of Chutian Scholars at Yangtze University during 2013-2018. He studied at China University of Geosciences during 1990.07-1994.06 for bachelor degree, and continued graduate study at Tongji University for master and Ph.D degrees during 1995.09-2001.02. He started an academic position at Tongji University since 2001.03. He has several short-term abroad visiting experiences, including research associate at University of South Florida during 2003.11-2004.10, visiting scholar at Louisiana State University during 2006.08-09, visiting expert at Sun Yat-sen University in Chinese Taiwan during 2010.06-08.

Prof. Fan is now an associate editor of Anthropocene Coasts, editor member of Journal of Palaeogeography, and guest editor of Marine Geology. He is invited reviewer for over thirty international journals including ESRQSRJGR-OceansSedimentologyMarine Geology, and so on. He has served for SEPM (Society of Sedimentary Geology) as a Global Ambassador since 2007, a secretary of Ocean Science Section for AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) since 2017, council member of Marine Physics committee for Chinese Oceanography Society since 2016, and council member and vice president of Coastal Ocean committee for Chinese Quaternary Society in 2007-2015.

Prof. Fan is a coastal sedimentologist. His research focuses on the processes and products of river-sea interactions over different time scales using multidisciplinary methods (e.g., geomorphological and sedimentary marks, pollen, organic and geochemical proxies). He tries to borrow wisdom from studies of paleo-environmental change and human-earth interactions in the Holocene for elevating the resilience and sustainability of coastal society and ecosystem in response to global change in the Anthropocene. He has published over 150 scientific papers including over 50 papers in the international journals. He was a winner of New Century Excellent Talents program of Chinese Education Ministry in 2007.