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Benzhong Xian

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 13,202328

Prof. Benzhong Xian is Chinese. He is a professor at Geology Department of China University of Petroleum, Beijing. He received his master’s degree from China University of Petroleum in 2001 and PhD from the same university in 2004.

Prof. Xian worked as the head of the Department of Geology in China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He is also one of the editorial board members of Journal of Palaeogeography. In addition, Prof. Xian is a member of International Association of Sedimentologists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). Meanwhile, he was rated as the outstanding teacher of the year 2016-2018 in China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

Prof. Xian has been engaged in the teaching and research of sedimentology and stratigraphy. He is interested in sedimentology of gravity sediment flow, sequence stratigraphy and basin analysis, depositional systems of terrigenous clastic rocks, as well as reservoir geology of conventional and unconventional oil and gas. He has published more than 60 journal papers and one research monograph as co-author. Because of his achievements in scientific research, he was awarded the first prize of Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award and the second-class prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, China.