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Shenghe Wu

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 11,202343

Prof. Shenghe Wu is Chinese. He is a professor at China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He graduated from East China Petroleum Institute in 1983, Beijing Graduate School of East China Petroleum Institute in 1986, and China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 1998, receiving his Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, and Doctor Degree respectively.

Prof. Wu is currently the deputy director of Academic Committee of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), and the director of hydrocarbon reservoir development geology group in the Petroleum Geology Committee of Chinese Petroleum Society. He is the member of International Association of Sedimentology (IAS), American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and serves as editor for several journals such as the Journal of PalaeogeographyGeoscience Frontiers, and Petroleum Exploration and Development. He was awarded the Beijing Outstanding Teacher of National Higher Education.

He has been dedicated to the teaching and researching work on palaeogeography, sedimentary geology, and hydrocarbon development geology. During 1980s-1990s his research focused on the medium-large scale palaeogeography (lithofacies palaeogeography in North China and South China). Over the past 20 years he has been focused on the depositional architecture (alluvial fan, fluvial, delta, submarine fan, etc) within petroliferous basins and its control on oil-gas development. He has been awarded the second-class National Teaching Achievement Awards for 2 times, Provincial-level Scientific and Technological Progress Awards for 10 times. He has published more than 160 academic papers.