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Suping Peng

Source:胡琳Updated:Apr 11,202333

Prof. Suping Peng is a Chinese Academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He received his PhD from the Beijing Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology.

Academician Peng is currently the director of State Key Laboratory Coal Resources and Safe Mining. He is a member of the Consultative Committee of National Energy Experts, Expert Consultative Group on Energy Field of the State Major Basic Research Program ("973"Program) and Technical Committee of the National Coal Industry. He also serves as the standing director of China Coal Society, the deputy director of Youth Working Committee of the China Coal Society, the deputy director of Coal Field Geology Committee and Coal Mine Geology Committee of the China Coal Society and China Geological Society, the standing director of Beijing Coal Society and the director of Beijing Petroleum Society.

Academician Peng has been engaged in mine geology and mine engineering geophysics for a long time. He has won 2 second-class National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 special-class, 1 first-class and 3 second-class Provincial-scale Scientific and Technology Progress Award. He has published three monographs and more than 90 academic papers. Academician Peng was awarded the National Outstanding Youth Fund in 2000, and was appointed as the Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor in 2001, and won the "Sun Yueqi" Energy Award and the Science and Technology Youth Award of Guanghua Engineering in 2004. In 2006, he was selected as the chief expert in fields of coal geology and mapping for the "National 653 Project".