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The Inaugural Meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography

Source:胡琳Updated:Jul 22,202230

  On July 16, 2022, at 10:00 am, the inaugural meeting of the International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP) was held both offline and online, with the main venue at China University of Petroleum (Beijing), and more than 200 experts and scholars attending the meeting,among which more than 70 leaders, guests and members attended the conference offline, while over 130 participates from 14 countries in five continents attended the conference online.

The International Society of Palaeogeography is an international, academic, non-profit social group voluntarily composed of experts in palaeogeography and related disciplines all over the world. It is committed to promoting the global exchange, development and innovation of palaeogeography and serving the exploration and prediction of mineral resources, especially oil and gas resources. On June 9, 2022, the Ministry of Civil Affairs approved the establishment of the International Society of Palaeogeography.

The founding meeting was chaired by Professor Bao Zhidong, Vice President of China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

Professor Wu Xiaolin, President of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), who delivered a welcome speech on behalf of all the students and faculty, welcomed all the delegates to the meeting, and thanked them sincerely for their support and assistance to the International Society of Palaeogeography  in the application process. After explaining the present situation and future development of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), she offered a firm conviction that the establishment of the Society complied with the needs of scientific and technological development in the new era, which sprouted in the right time and is of great significance, and guaranteed that the authority will provide full support to the Society in terms of manpower, financial and material resources.

Welcome speech by Prof. Wu Xiaolin, President of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Subsequently, in the speech of Mr. Chen Xiangyang, member of Social Organization Management Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, he, first of all, offered his congratulations on the establishment of International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP). He then emphasized the significance and necessity of the Society's creation and encouraged it to find correct orientation ahead, focus on its core objectives, promote academic exchanges, offer technical services and talent training, and level up innovation. Mr. Chen also urged the Society to adhere to the principles of openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and to serve as a pioneer in institutional innovation by prioritizing professional and international development.

The third step of the conference was a speech by the initiator, Mr. Feng Zengzhao, 96-year-old professor of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), founder and editor-in-chief of Journal of Paleogeography (Chinese and English versions). As a senior person, Mr. Feng delivered speech with a loud voice and full of energy to thank all the leaders, guests and members of the conference, which excited all the groups of attendees. Firstly, he briefly introduced the application process of theInternational Society of Palaeogeography, mentioning the inspiration and motivation of the significant speech at the symposium for scientists hosted by General Secretary Xi Jinping published in People's Daily on September 12, 2020. He then expressed thanks for the support and assistance of the Party and State leaders, 29 academicians and other experts in the application process. Finally, in talking about his personal feelings and reflections, he demanded himself with the spirit of "life goes on, struggle goes on" and strive to make more contributions to the Society.

Mr. Feng Zengzhao, the initiator, 96 years old, made a speech

The fourth step of the meeting were the speeches by Academician Mao Jingwen, Vice President of the Mineral and Rock Geochemistry Society of China; Researcher Zhang Yuanda, Secretary General of the Chinese Paleontological Society; Ms. Wang Lei, Secretary General of the Chinese Coal Society; and Professor Kuang Lichun, Director of the Petroleum Geology Committee of the Chinese Petroleum Society, spoke on behalf of their respective societies.

The fifth step of the conference was the speeches of the guests and the representatives members of the International Society of Palaeogeography. Professor Peng Suping, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Guo Xusheng, academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Professor Ian David Somerville from the University of Dublin, Europe, spoke successively.

Professor Ian David Somerville from the University of Dublin, Europe, made a speech online

The sixth step of the inaugural meeting was the speech given by Prof. Wu Shenghe, Chairman of the First Council of the International Society of Palaeogeography, from China University of Petroleum (Beijing). He thanked all the leaders and experts for their great support and assistance in the process of ISP application, especially Mr. Feng Zengzhao, for his excellent contribution to the establishment of ISP. He also expressed thanks to the members and council members for their trust and electing him as the Chairman. At last, he presented the development plan of ISP.

Wu shenghe, Director of ISP, made a speech

The conference ended successfully in a joyful atmosphere.

After the meeting, some participants took a group photo.

(From the left of the front row: Bao Zhidong, Zhu Xiaomin, Yu Xinghe, Guo Xusheng, Mao Jingwen, Wu Xiaolin, Feng Zengzhao, Wang Tieguan, Jin Yan, Chen Xiangyang, Wu Shenghe; from the left of the back row: Zhang Jiajia, Zhou Yong, Wang Junhui, Xian Benzhong, Yue Dali, Zhao Rui, Lu Jing, Liu Luofu, Ji Youliang, Qiu Nansheng, Wang Guiwen, Kuang Hongwei, Peng Yongmin, Ji Hancheng, Zheng Xiujuan, Wang Yuan, Liu Min)

The General Assembly of the International Society of Palaeogeography was held before the inaugural meeting, and 17 council members were elected following estalished Council. Professor Feng Zengzhao was elected as the honorary chairman, and the chairman turned to be Professor Wu Shenghe.The vice chairman group composed of Academician Peng Suping, Professor Hairuo Qing, Professor Santanu Banerjee, and Professor Xian Benzhong was elected as the General Secretary.

The main leaders and guests attending the celebration were President Wu Xiaolin, Vice President Bao Zhidong, Vice President Jin Yan of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Vice President Cao Yingchang of China University of Petroleum (East China), Academicians Li Tingdong, Yin Hongfu, Chen Yuchuan, Wang Tieguan, Peng Suping, Mo Xuanxue, Zhai Mingguo, Shu Degan, Sun Longde, Li Gensheng, Mao Jingwen, Zou Caineng, Guo Xusheng of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. Academician Liu Jiaqi and Wang Chengshan sent congratulatory letters for being unable to attend the meeting .

(Content/Zheng Xiujuan; Photos 1, 2, 4 and 5/Chen Miao, Publicity Department, China University of Petroleum (Beijing))