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The first general meeting and council meeting of ISP

Source:胡琳Updated:Jul 16,202225

On July 16, 2022, the International Society of Palaeogeography was officially established with the support of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and China University of Petroleum (Beijing). The first general meeting and council meeting were held at the affiliated unit, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) to voted to the constitution of the Society and elect executive apartment, responsible person and legal person. Prof. Wu Shenghe of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) was elected as the first president of the International Society of Palaeogeography , Prof. Peng Suping of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Prof. Hairuo Qing of University of Regina, Canada, and Prof. Santanu Banerjee of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, were elected as the first directors of the Society. Prof. Banerjee of IIT Bombay was elected as the first Vice-President of the Society, Prof. Xian Benzhong of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) was elected as the first Secretary General of the Society, and Prof. Feng Zengzhao of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), the founder of the Society, was elected as the Honorary President.